Tattoo Taboo

I did not know there was still such a "taboo" about people with tattoos.

I have tattoos.

I don’t expect everyone to approve or appreciate them as I do. They are for me and not for you. My tattoos have all been well thought out and tell something about me.

I have wanted a tattoo since my early 30’s. I was just too indecisive about what I wanted. I always thought of a butterfly but didn’t know why or had a meaning behind it. I have always thought that a tattoo needs to mean something, so obviously, I did not get a tattoo at that time.

It wasn’t until my late forties that I got my first tattoo. Since then, I have gotten a few more.

It wasn’t until recently that I have become aware of a stigma from some regarding them. Some are indifferent. They don’t care for tattoos for themselves, but if others have them it does not bother them. There are some though that have voiced total distaste for them and for the people that have them. Seriously?!

In a society where it seems so many have tattoos, I am surprised with how some are towards those that are “inked”.

Professionals are no longer covering up their tattoos or having them only in places that are hidden. They are openly displaying their art and their story.

Dentists, pediatricians, nurses, bankers, teachers and so many more.

When looking for a dentist or a doctor or receiving care from a first responder, it would not matter to me whether they had tattoos or not. Sadly, there are some that would not accept care from a person that had them, unless it was a life or death situation. 

I know from my experience that tattoos are more than just ink on someone’s skin. So many times, there is a story behind a tattoo. There may be joy, there may be pain, or even loss. Some tattoos were chosen for that period of their life.

When I was working, many times, I found that tattoos were a great conversation starter with patients. If I noticed a tattoo, I would always ask them if they would care to share their story about their tattoo on their arm, leg, hand, or wherever it would be. I would see their faces light up and there was always a story, a sentimental story, many times.  I loved connecting with and learning about that person.

Not all tattoos have a meaning, some tattoos may have become unrecognizable from changes in the skin, from weight changes, to the quality. Even so, there's usually a story behind that "ladybug" blob. Tattoos decided on by your 19-year-old self would not be the same as probably a tattoo decided on in your older years.

I know, from experience that many that are or were in the military, or those that are in careers where they are on the front line and save lives are more apt to have tattoos because of what they have seen or have gone through, whether it be something in their training or in their career, they have stories. Some have tattoos to honor someone or to display pride for something. 

There is so much more to a tattoo than just the color or the ink. There's so so much more to the person that expresses themselves with them. Tattoos are just the surface, if only we all could look past the art and know the person.

I didn’t know until the last few years how judgmental some may be towards those that have tattoos. I did not know that having tattoos is still a “taboo” amongst some. There is still a population that feels that tattoos should be covered and not put in places that are easily seen beyond the shirt or pants.

I have a tattoo on my outer forearm. It is a feather and has three birds that are flying out of the feather. The birds symbolize my three sons, as they have grown and have left our home. This tattoo seems to be the one that gets the most attention. I have had people comment things like, “Hey, there is something on your arm” or “It looks like you put your arm in something”, followed by laughter from those around them. (I get it, I might be an easy target.)

My tattoos are not for you.

This behavior says so much more about others than it does me, with my tattoos and all.

We don’t have to like or agree with how or what others do. A person is not always a bad person just because their arms are colored with ink, this just most likely means, they have lived, they have a story, and they are expressing themselves through art.
Not on a wall but on the greatest canvas of all.