Chatty Cathy

I love to travel. I love to fly anywhere. I love the excitement of getting to where I want to be in a few hours or so and just totally succumbing to tourist mode in a heartbeat. Flying has given me the opportunity to meet some very nice and fun people, as well some very rude ones.

When flying, there are so many types of flyers. There are the business flyers, the casual “once in a while” flyers, vacation and destination flyers and amongst all of those are the “Chatty Cathy’s”, the “arm rest” bullies, the potent airplane “tooters”, “small bladder” traveler, and so much more.

At one time, I guess, although this may be a shock to some, I was a “Chatty Cathy” flyer. From my experiences, not everyone is “Chatty Cathy” friendly.  

I have noticed that the business flyers give off the vibe to stay out of their way and there’s no small talk with them. They are on their laptops and have their air pods in their ears. They are holding meetings or consulting all while waiting for their flight. They are way past being friendly, so no “Chatty Cathy” with them. There is not any eye contact whatsoever. They are glued to their schedules. When the airplane lands at their destination, they are usually the first to jump up and grab their overnight bag from the overhead compartment and computer and although it is not their turn to deplane, as we all know it is cordial to take appropriate turns by row, they are up and out in the aisle and ready to go as they have places to be.

Then there are those that fly only for vacations in which there are some that fly frequently, but not weekly, they are polite, but not into chatting. They are usually with friends or family and they only “chat” with those in their group. They are the kind that have their “vacation wear” on and are ready to go directly to baggage claims and the car rental service as soon as their flight lands. They are on their phones, looking into excursions and more. They are also the ones that stand up immediately when the plane comes to a halt, although they cannot deplane, they stand to make those around them uncomfortable and to let all know they are travelling with friends or family that are in the rows ahead of them, as they are carrying conversations with them loudly, as if they would  be forgotten.

Occasionally, you run into a young lady or a couple that start up a conversation with you or you with them. They are laid back. They do not seem to have schedules or appear to be consumed by the airport buzz. They travel enough to be comfortable and are content while waiting at their gate for the airplane to arrive. They may watch a movie on their iPad, or they read a book. They are the relaxed people you meet. They are the ones that will look up occasionally and will make eye contact with others and may give a smile or may chat a bit. They do not jump up as soon as the plane lands at their destination, as they know they will not get off any sooner by standing. Their ride is picking them up at the airport, so they do not have any traveling concerns. These are relaxed travelers and are perfect for chatting with to help pass the time.

I can remember in my early 30’s, excited for my first trip to Las Vegas with friends and on our connecting flight to Las Vegas from Denver, I was seated next to a young lady heading out to see her fiancé for the weekend, in which he was in Vegas working a temporary job for his company. This was her first trip out, as well. We chatted the whole flight and were both so excited as we were descending into the city, and we could see all the lights. We oohed and awed. I was so excited for her to see her fiancé. My husband, as well as our friends, which were seated a few rows back from my husband and myself, thought I had found a new best friend, but that was just the way I was. I don’t think this young lady and I even exchanged names. When we landed and gathered our bags, we all just went our separate ways.

Another trip, after being in Nashville for a convention, I was flying home and I was seated next to a young man around fifteen of age from New Jersey, he was flying with his family to Nebraska and was going to visit family not far from my hometown. He was very polite and chatted with me most of the flight. I had been missing my boys, chatting with him and learning about his interests and sharing stories about my boys helped make the flight so much faster. Not once did I feel during our conversation that I was bothering him, nor did he seem annoyed with me in any way. When we landed and we were getting ready to deplane, I heard a lady behind me snark to another lady, “Sometimes, a person just wants to fly in peace and quiet.” The other lady then, said something about being on vacation with her family and I realized from her conversation that she was the mother of the young man I was sitting by. She said something, that her son, “took one for the team”, by sitting by me. Although, that stung a bit, I also knew I was not ever going to see her again and her rudeness  will be with her in New Jersey and although, I may be part of their story of their flight to Nebraska for being the “Chatty Cathy” that poor Jeremy had to sit by, but, “Oh, well”, I got home and gave my guys their hugs and got ready for a baseball tournament.

When traveling back from my son’s graduation from the Marine Corp I found myself seated next to a young lady that was a Marine and an instructor. We visited our whole flight to Sky Harbor International Airport. She shared her story about how she was married, and her husband was a Drill Instructor and how she was flying to meet a friend and was going to run a half marathon. I loved listening to her stories and how she shared how she and her husband met and how she became a Marine without support from her family and had not one family member attend her graduation ceremony. After our flight, we wished each other well and were on our way to catch our next connecting flight. Talking to her about her experiences along with her reassurance at that time when my son was so new into the Marines, made my heart more at ease. I think God puts people right where they need to be at the time when we need them.

It is standard for my husband to place his ear buds in as soon as we board and are on the plane. He is ready for a movie, podcast, or just music to go to sleep. I usually do the same these days. Although, I may not be the “Chatty Cathy” that I once was, if someone wants to make a little small talk with me, I am fine with that, as long as it does not interrupt me reading my book and drinking my Bloody Mary in the airport lounge, oh so I wish, but at some bar, as I have my priorities.

Cheers to all the “Chatty Cathy’s out there, we are not for everyone.