A Little Bit About Me


I cannot express enough how loved I feel and so supported by all that have encouraged me to share my stories on a blog.

It is only fair to warn all that read my blog that I am not a professional writer. I do not have a degree in journalism. I just write from my heart.

I am a woman in my 50's, that married her high school boyfriend when she was 20 years old. We grew up together. We have endured heartbreaks from alcoholism, endured infertility, miscarriage, loss of parents, and more. 

Our chapters are not all full of hearts and smooches. Some were like boulders rolling down the side of a mountain and we were just trying to survive to get to the next chapter.

I had been a practicing nurse for 29 years, in which the last decade of my nursing career I had filled the infection prevention role at a small hospital. My nursing chapter had ended when I came to realization that was not who I was anymore.

The past few years has been a new beginning for me. My new role has been supporting and working with my husband on our family crop productions farm. It has been such a healthy change for me.

We have also been blessed to be parents of three young men. Our oldest son is a Marine Veteran and has given me a daughter through love. She is the absolute best and so glad God chose her for my son. Our middle son is in college working on a degree in Agriculture Business. He attends college close by, so he works on our farm when he doesn't have classes. Our youngest son is attending college in another state and is working on his degree in mechanical engineering. 

My newest and greatest role, is being a Grandma. I love having play dates with my grandson(s) and also love having the flexibility to take care of them when one can't go to daycare for whatever reason or if mommy needs to run an errand. This role is by far the best. 

I started writing when my oldest son signed up for the Marines and since then I have continued to write. Writing is healing to me. I share because I know that some of my chapters may be relatable. Most of what I write are from my own experiences and written from my own perspective. 

Although,life can be a roller coaster, I feel blessed for the ups and the downs. When life isn't easy, we learn and grow from those experiences. All we can do is to be a better version of ourselves than we were the day before.

Counting blessings over worries... eat your cake and just relax. God has you!