It's a Gift Kind of Thing

When I think back to the gifts that I have received, there are just a few that come to my mind, mainly because they were so thoughtful or were given without a reason.

I am always amazed at those who just “give”, without even a thought of having a gift in return. Those that just give from the heart. If only they knew what a “gift” they truly are.

I am also in awe of people that might bring up something that I may have mentioned liking or wanting to do, I am so amazed to know that some truly pay attention and are more surprised on their thoughtfulness. It is like such a sweet surprise to know that someone out there is truly listening and is paying attention.

There are so many gifts that I have been given, but some are just so meaningful to me.

One gift that I will always remember was when a beautiful bouquet was sent to me at my place of work. I was called to the front desk to pick it up. I walked to the front desk in wonder of who would send me flowers and why. When I picked them up, they were gorgeous and after reading the card, I was in tears. It was sent by a person that I knew of but was not a close friend or anyone from my church or anything like that, she was simply a very kind God-loving woman that sent the bouquet after the Kabul airport attack at Abbey gate where 13 American heroes’ lives were taken. Although my son was safe, my heart was with those that had lost their child that day and as well as with those that sons and daughters were there but were survivors of the horrific chaos and devastation that happened that day and the days leading up to the evacuation. This person knew my son was safe, but she sent the bouquet from her heart, from her “mom” heart, as she was not a military mom, she just knew the sadness I had felt along with all the other military moms that day, as that bouquet was not just for me, it was for all of us military families that were grieving.

Many years ago, after my husband and I had lost our first baby, I will always remember a neighbor and long-time friend, giving me a gift in the days after our loss, it was a ceramic angel with the date and in memory of Baby H written on the bottom of it. It was given on my return to work and was so unexpected and although the tears came, I knew I was amongst the people that cared, as there were so many sweet things that people did to show us how they felt during our time of sadness. For Christmas, last year, my daughter-in-law and son gifted me with a mother’s bracelet, with the birthstones of each of our children, three living, including one in heaven. It was the most thoughtful and yes, although it had been over 24 years, I still had tears, as there were 4 birthstones to represent all my beautiful children.

I have so many examples of beautiful gifts that have been given to me through my years, but there are some that are kept close and even if you may not see that person or, their kindness still sits in my heart.

Not all gifts are tangible.

Some gifts are just a person’s presence at a time when you need them. I can remember many times of people that were there for me during times of happiness and as well as times of sadness. When a friend says that they will pray for me, there is nothing better. If you are not able to give a gift to a friend, a loved one, or anyone at the time that they may need, the thought of someone praying for you and your situation is just so comforting and the most meaningful gift to give.

Sometimes it is the mere gift of being there when we need someone the most. They are just there, and you can’t imagine what you would have done without their friendship and support during that time of your life.

I truly think God puts people in our lives just when and where we need them and then after that time has passed, they move on, or you do. They are just put there momentarily. They are a “gift”.

When I think of gifting, I know that tangible gifts that are unexpected can be so sweet, but intangible gifts say so much, as well. I am at the age that I find “gifts of experiences”, are a treasure that can never be outgrown.

No matter what the gift received or given, may our hearts be blessed and grateful, as we are so blessed in so many ways and we need to remember to focus on that.