
When my son had become a Marine, I didn’t know at that time what that meant for me, exactly. I did not know that with him becoming a Marine, I would earn a title, as well. I became known as a mom of a Marine, in which we call a M.o.M.

Although, that title may not mean anything to a civilian, someone that did not raise a child to serve in the military. Those that have raised Marines knows exactly what that title entails. 

When you are a mom of a Marine, you cannot be weak.

As a new M.o.M., I had met some incredible women while my son was in boot camp. Some had sons already in the fleet and others were in their schooling to learn their Marine Corp duties. Early on in this new role, I was feeling overwhelmed and decided to make my own Marine mom support page on Facebook. I invited many of these moms to join this page as well as anchored some in to being admins for the page along with me.

Many took their role as admins and just expanded our group and helped it become such a fun and safe place for so many to turn to during their time of their child’s service and beyond. We accepted we were not for everyone and that was okay. You win some, you lose some. The members that remain active on our page and make it what it is, five years later, and growing, are the rock stars of them all. We couldn’t be the “Sisterhood” that we are without them.

I have met so many other moms of Marines in the past 5 years. There is not one that would not have your back when needed. We are the sincerest prayer warriors you will ever meet. We love hard and we not only love our child, but if your child is in the military, we will take care of your child, as if he/she is our own. I have not ever been disappointed by a M.o.M. or surprised when I hear stories that one has given a meal, a ride, or shelter to a Marine or two when traveling to base or to home.

My chest fills with pride and so much joy to know these women and to know that I am a part of something so big. Who would have ever known?

When you are part of group of women like this, mountains can be moved.

The Marine mom title has given me so much strength and confidence beyond what I ever thought I had.  There is no other support like having a group of women that share commonalities like having kids that are deployed, enduring training exercises, or having their kids in the same M.O.S.s’, and so much more. There is no job not worthy or less needing of support in the Marines.

Whenever something is weighing on you or if your family is going through an illness, a death, whatever it may be, even anything non-Marine related, you can count on Moms of Marines to “like”, “love”, your posts on social media. They will also reach out with a message or text to just check in to make sure you are doing okay. These women know what being a “friend” is and take it to a whole new level for me that I cannot say that I have ever experienced.

All MoMs and Marines are supported and loved.

Once a year, we all get together. This outing is always full of laughter, stories, and more. There is no one left out. No matter how big the group that attends the “Sisterhood of Marine Moms Trip”, everyone is included. We are truly “Sisters”, by heart.

When together there are no differences between us. We may be all different shapes and sizes, live in different parts of the states, come from different backgrounds, but when together, we are one.

Many of us are missing this trip this year and are feeling the FOMO (fear of missing out) but know even though not all of us were able to attend that we are all there in spirit. We know there will be photos and there will be stories shared. We will not be there, but we will be, in a way.

After my son was a Veteran, I did not feel that I would still need the love and support of this “Sisterhood”, I was wrong. I still so enjoy so many of them and still to this day look forward to their hugs and their friendships.

I enjoy being a part of this incredible group of women that share the same motto as the Marines: “Once a Marine, always a Marine".  We say, "Once a Marine Mom, always a Marine Mom”. If you are not aware or educated, there is no such thing as an ex-Marine.

Marine moms wear RED every Friday for everyone deployed. They have stickers on their vehicles, their license plate covers lets you know who they are, they wear Marine Corp jewelry. They wear Marine Mom shirts daily, well almost daily.  Marine moms will tell you they have a child serving in the Marines even when you didn’t ask. They are the most patriotic women I have ever met.

You may not be aware of this, but although a Marine may not brag, his mother sure will.

I am not saying that you could not have this connection with any other group of women, other than Marine moms, because you most certainly can. I am just saying that for myself, I had never known or had such a strong connection and honestly, I feel blessed.

Find your group of women that has your back, or your “six”, as we say. Once you have that, you will know true friendship.

It's a Sisterhood like no other.