Passenger Princess

I love going places.

A road trip to visit family or to see new places is always fun.

I don't mind driving. Honestly, I kind of like to. An open highway or an interstate is just fine for me. Warning, though, if we are driving into a city or into heavily congested traffic, perhaps, a freeway with more than 3 to 4 lanes and have other drivers going 10 to 20mph over the speed limit while weaving in and out of traffic, this girl will do her best. That's all I can say.

I don't drive in that kind of traffic or environment everyday. I don't have to. The majority of my life has been getting to where I need to go on a daily basis by driving on a county road or a two lane highway. The closest "city" to me is maybe 200 miles away.

If we are heading into a "city" and you are riding with me, just know that I don't have a lot of experience.

I have found that my best passengers are those that are my friends. They don't seem to get too worked up (or at least don't show that they are). If I miss my turn because I'm not in the right lane to merge or if my Google maps, Waze, or whatever navigation app, I may be using, instructs me to "take a safe but illegal U-turn", no one gets all upset or yells at me. 
Friends are amazing passengers. You have those that laugh with you (and at you) or those that take on the the role as the navigator, and are so helpful.
"After this next stoplight, you are going to want to move over into the far right lane to merge onto...", I love these people. When we get to our destination, they seem to be so relieved and a few do have an adult beverage or two, but I don't take that personally.

Now, having my husband (or certain family members) as passengers, seems to add to the stress that I may already be experiencing. They yell at me, they "unnecessarily" grab handles that are meant to assist with getting in and out the car, they are so dramatic. When we get to our destination, they get out and kiss the ground and tell anyone and everyone how they almost died. Good grief!

If you are not up for an adventure, I'll gladly take my role as the "passenger princess", as that has been what I have been for the majority of my life.