No one could ever had prepared me for boot camp.

Yes, I went through boot camp too.

I know it's not the same, but the months, days, and up to the moment we said our "see ya laters", I had been going through my own sort of boot camp.

I had all the love and support from so many even for months before he left. So many military moms (parents) that have done it or currently doing it, but still, no one could have prepared my heart for that overwhelming feeling of the missing of my child.

Besides the missing, you also have that constant worry of getting that dreaded phone call that some parents get while their kid is away at boot. The call to learn that your son is sick and is at medical or hurt, or didn't meet qualifications to move on with their company, in which by this time, are their "brothers". 

You carry your phone at all times and answer any call from anywhere. Excited for the chance that your son's platoon may have earned a call home and you get to hear his voice. You answer EVERY call.

USPS Informed delivery becomes your best friend. Snail mail is your only means of communication, so a letter from your recruit is like opening a Christmas present on Christmas morning.

You learn to say things like, "You got this!", "One day closer", "Another day closer", "chow to chow", "sleep to sleep"... and most importantly, "I love you.".

People say things like, "I'm glad my son didn't go in the service, I'd never be able to handle it", or "well, he knew what he was getting into. "... No, I'm sure the reality has no comparison to the YouTube videos or what they learn from their recruiters.

I know God knows His plan for everyone of us. I know he he had designed my son for this job.

I know all though I've struggled, I know too He has helped me become stronger. To feel so proud and to feel so sad at times from missing him, I know this is part of life...seriously, they are supposed to grow up and find their path. They say it will get easier. For now, I remind myself I know that He (God) has got this and He's got my recruit and He's got me.

Although, I had written this, in which seems like so many moons ago. To this day, I still am so thankful for His strength and how through Him, my son and myself survived USMC boot camp.